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Monday, August 9, 2010

Flawless Thoughts

As the last hours of the weekend tick away I find myself a bit less apprehensive of the week to come. Collinsworth and Michaels voices lull me into a football intoxication and I feel like I am coming out of a dream, could it be, is Sunday back? The first pre season game brings thoughts of fantasy drafts, close calls and red zone miracles. Yes, it is August, and yes there is the annual Bret Favre fiasco. Is he injured, too tired for slingin, or just ready to be the Wrangler man full time? T.O.and Ochocinco are both Bengals, how will there ever be enough popcorn?


  1. I don't know, but with apologies to my wife and in-laws, but I predict there will be a hell of lot more tubs of popcorn sold than happy Bungles fans by the end of the 2010-11 season.

  2. Gassed hard for fantasy! First draft coming up in less than 2 weeks and its gonna be like christmas morning! As for the bungles, I really think they're going to surprise a lot of people and improve from last year, IF Adam Jones and TO don't destroy the clubhouse. One thing is for sure, I'll have my popcorn ready!

  3. Red Zone Miracles!!!! Kind of agree with Brian...more popcorn will be sold than happy Bengals fans........


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