What a year for records. UConn, Favre, Jimmy Johnson ... I won't even begin to list Federer's! If I had to pick the most impressive of the streaks, I'd go with Favre's. Unfortunately it seems like his run is ending on a bad note, though just last year he had one of the best seasons of his career and came a couple of Adrian Peterson fumbles away from the Super Bowl... OK, a standard Favre interception away from the Super Bowl.
The Miami Talents are looking pretty talented, seemingly fueled by the boos of Lebron's former fans in Cleveland. They steam rolled over the two teams with fans and/or management that can't seem to forgive Lebron for what ever it is they think he did. At least in New York, fans have something Cavalier fans don't - hope for the future. While Cleveland fans watched their terrible team and their legacy get demolished, New York fans could look up and see that the future is bright.
If you went against Vick in fantasy playoffs this week, the support group is meeting on Thursday night at my house. That was easily the worst ever week to be a Giants fan and fantasy owner. What if you had Vick, Jackson, and Maclin, though? How should that affect you as a Giants fan? If there was anything you liked about that game, you'd be the worst Giant fan ever, but winning a fantasy football playoff game is a joy that is unparalleled.
Funny, just a few years back Cavs fans had a bright future and Knicks fans were stuck with no light at the end of the tunnel...