So Cleveland sports fans are bitter.... what's new? At least the stress has receded Lebron's hairline about six inches. But really, if he donated all the money he made from The Decision than what's the big deal? If I were a Cleveland fan I might consider being angry with the Cavs management who couldn't put a team around one of the greatest players of all time.
Randy Moss went from being one of the great fantasy football players to being a bench warmer on most teams. It's unbelievable watching him on the field not running hard, sometimes not even trying to catch balls thrown to him. Who does that? Especially in a contract year. Each time he runs routes half-assed, he loses himself one hundred thousand bucks next year. What a "slouch".
I'm getting really excited about the college football playoffs...wait what's that.... you mean a computer just calculates who plays for the championship? Awesome. Imagine if that was the way it worked in pro sports. No magical underdog runs to a championship. Sounds great, what a good idea.
Derek Jeter will remain a Yankee, thank heavens. The thing that puzzles me is why fans were angry that Jeter was trying to get as much money as he could. Why do fans seem to take the side of ownership in these situations? The way I see it, the owners are billionaires and why not try to get paid as much as you can? Hasn't anyone ever heard of negotiating? If you think that you are invaluable to a company and you ask for a raise, wouldn't you ask for as much as you can? It seems like most fans think that the players are overpaid. So what about those hats and jerseys and tickets to the games, or VCast for your phone to watch games online. Should the owners get all that money? They're already billionaires, why don't fans think that the owners are overpaid? It's not like they're on the field. Besides, these players are the best in the world at what they do. The best of the best of most occupations make crazy money, it's called capitalism.
Flawless thoughts??? More like clueless thoughts, first off don't ever call Lebron James one of the greatest players of all-time until he actually does something great, and when i say great i don't mean choke in the playoffs every year and make a big spectacle about where your "taking your talents" next year. Yes it was nice that he raised all that money but show some class, act like you have done something great before. The word "Great" gets thrown around way too much these days, it seems like players are anointed great ones every other day just because they have some talent. When was the last time you saw a player make a good play and just return to the huddle or sprint back to play defense or run the bases without making some sort of gesture after he hits a meaningless home run. Athletes today are nothing but glorified pop stars who care more about making some sort of retarded statement and showboating then actually playing the game with class and dignity. Thats why i say let the owners make their money, they are the ones paying these coaches and players, funding the new stadiums, the hotel rooms when they travel, the private jets they fly on, the uniforms and equipment they use. Yes these fools are billionaires already but without their billions we wouldn't be watching professional sports today, someone has to fund these teams and no millionaire is gonna be able to do it. Players come and go but the games will always live on because of US the Fans. I'm Peter Griffin and "Thats what grinds my gears"......