Poor, poor Mets. If they had any chance in hell to make a run at the wild card slot in the NL it is all but gone after losing their closer, "K-Rod" for the rest of the season due to a torn thumb ligament. I'm sure you've all heard by now that last week he was arrested for assaulting his father-in-law after a game. Let's be honest, if you're going to beat someone up, your goal is to hurt THEM, not YOURSELF.
This all just seems to fit with the Mets' persona. They are the black sheep of NY after all. Maybe one day they will rise to the top and provide a few days of joy to their ultra cynical fan base. But for now at least, they'll keep on keepin' on, and keep on being those same Mets.
The Mets have had two good years in the entire history of their pathetic franchise. And if Bill Buckner knew how to field a ground ball we would be down to one. They exist only for people who hate the Yankees to have someone to root for.
ReplyDeleteThey are not the Brooklyn Dodger, the Dodgers left and moved to LA. They arent the New York Giants, they play in San Fran. They are a pathetic mismanged franchise whose fans are only loyal cause they hate the Yankee.
I think you should stick to commenting on the Yankees right now. Can't get a run off the Royals.. get dominated by Detroit... Are you guys even in first anymore?
ReplyDeleteWhy yes, Mr. Pudge, we are. And tied for the best record in baseball, a full 4 games ahead of any other team in the AL.
ReplyDeleteHave a nice day.