I however, am ECSTATIC!! After all the hoopla surrounding the off season acquisitions of Bosh and James, and the resigning of Wade, just about every person on the planet had all but anointed the Heat champions of 2011 and beyond. The next dynasty. They'll win 70 games for sure.
We are now just about 2 months into the season and after a loss the the Mavs last night the Heat are a mere one, yes ONE game over .500 at 9-8. If they keep up this pace for the rest of the season they'll struggle to win 41 which I find absolutely amazing, as well as immensely gratifying. They are not playing as a team, but yet 3 individual stars. Unless they can learn to play together, and fast, I'm not sure if they are going to be able to turn this thing around.
As a Knick fan, I love to see the Heat struggle; period! But add in the hype, and the "talent", and the predictions, and the praise, and the mastermind, and the FAILURE, and I'm one happy ass camper!
You guys should run an over under for prizes on when Pat Riley will take over as coach. I say Jan 14th.